Friday 19 December 2014

Thursday 18 December 2014

audience feed back magazine update

 These are now the final pieces of my music magazine I have updated all of them according to the audience feed back I got (will be published later). I think they all show continuity, with the colours and fonts I've used. I think I've addressed all of the issues that I came across and over all it looks like a magazine of the rock genre. To improve it further I would maybe add a bit more to the interview on my double page spread, but over all I think its all complete.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

cover and double page spread update

 Both of these I believe are now finished, and show continuity, also it to me is clear what the genre is.
But I need to have some audience feedback to see if they can be improved further.

Friday 12 December 2014

Contents update

this will be one of my final updates on my contents page, I'm happy with how its turned out, and I've finally got my photos in. all I need now is to get some audience feedback on it.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Front cover update

This is the second edit of my front cover, I think that this is one of the better ones that I have come up with, because I think the colours work well and it has a good sense of house style, and this style continues throughout my magazine. I just need to put in my background photo.

This is of my last edits of my front cover (last will have image). I have changed the name of the band, and some of the content on it, as I thin the fonts were too big in the previous one, and it now looks slightly more professional. the only thing I need is my photo, and that will be acquired soon as the original image I was going to use didn't really fit it very well.

double page spread draft

Upcoming band Wyson are set to sweep over the nation with their first album, the Wyson EP; scheduled for release on February 20, 2015. Though recorded in mere weeks at a recording studio in Shropshire, the members are hoping that their audience will enjoy this album as much as their one off releases.
In an exclusive interview, we caught up with lead vocalist and guitarist George Woolford, to talk about their forthcoming album, and a few future gigs of theirs.

Hey George! What makes you think this album is going to be a big hit with the public?
“Well personally I think it’ll be a good seller because as well as our own songs which the band have written, we also have a few covers of the famous hits... But you’ll have to get the album to find out which ones. It’s all a bit nervy with the band at the moment, we just want it to be released, so we can see if the public do like it or not.”

If this album is a success, will you publish another?
“Defiantly! Even if it wasn't as popular as we thought it would be, I think we’d still make another album, which would hopefully be better than the previous.”

We've been told that you recorded this in a matter of weeks; do you think that this might have an effect on the songs?
“We all knew the songs really well, so when we recorded them it wasn't a surprise that some were finished fast, with only one or two retakes. Others were slightly more difficult, especially the covers… we wanted them to be as good as all our other songs and also as good and as effective as the original. I don’t really think that this will have an impact on the tracks, all of them have been refined and played well, so they should come out fine.”

You said the whole band helped write the songs, were there any major disputes among you?
“Yeah we all helped with the song writing, mostly I’d have a quick draft of a song then they would help me refine it and change certain parts if necessary. There were a few arguments over the lyrics, but it was resolved with a few compromises; but really if we hadn't have done this together the songs wouldn't be worth playing together either.”
Did any bands/songs influence you on the song writing?
“Well we really liked the style of songs from the American Idiot album, so we wanted to have that incorporated in to our playing, but we wanted it to be a lot more… heavy, if you see what I mean.”

On a personal note, you guys don’t really look like you play metal songs; is there a reason for this?
“Actually there is, we each have our own personal style, which is a mix of most things. What we wanted was to play heavy metal; but have the bands look contrast with that. This was mainly just to stand out from the other stereotypical bands, as most people have remembered us for this; which I’d like to think of as a good thing.”

You have some upcoming gigs too, right? Will any of your new tracks be on that?

“Yeah we've got a couple coming up for the Xmas holidays around our local area, there maybe one or two songs from the album, but we won’t tell you which ones... not yet anyway.”

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Pitch feedback

Do you agree with the both niche and broad genre I have chosen for my magazine?

  1.  I think that this would be a good idea as more people can enjoy reading about music that you might not have heard of before.
  2. This would be a good idea, but you have to make sure that you include plenty of niche genres/new bands etc. otherwise it'll be the same as most other rock magazines.

I think that it should have a chatty mode of address, would you agree?
  1. It would be good to make it chatty, then the audience can relate to it.
  2. I think it should defiantly have a chatty style as the audience wont want a boring list of facts and stuff.
  3. you may want too keep it a little bit formal with the structure, in case some people find it hard to read.

What do you think an appropriate price would be for my magazine?

  1. It shouldn't be to expensive as the audience probably wont want to pay a lot for it.
  2. I think it should try and represent however many pages you want to have in it, so it wont be overpriced.
  3. It shouldn't be anything over £2.50 as most people wont want to pay that much for a magazine.

Which colours would be suited to my magazine? 

  1. Defiantly dark colours.
  2. Mostly blacks, reds, and blues would look good.
  3. I think it should have dark colours, but maybe a few brighter colours so it looks more fresh. 

Friday 5 December 2014

contents update 2

this is the next update of my contents page. For this I've added some more content, and also a background,. Until I add my pictures, I'm not sure whether this would work or not; also a white background is more conventional than one with a coloured background.

contents update

This is the update of my contents page so far. I think the smaller font works better with it in the second picture, as it makes it look more professional than the first. I may add a background to it later and there should be images to go on it too :D